The coalition gave its candidature in Jesus Humla

Arjun Bohr
 July 5, 2079
Simkot. A three-party alliance has registered its candidature for the District Coordination Committee election. Shivraj Sharma of the CPN-Unified Socialist Party and Dalu Fadera (Sanjay) of the CPN-Maoist Center have registered their candidacies for the post. Similarly, Sarita Rawat, Deep Bhandari, Karna Bahadur Shahi and Dhir Bahadur Singh have been nominated by the Nepali Congress while Chudi Jangmu Tamang, Singh Singh and Karna Damai have been nominated by the CPN-Maoist Center. According to Chief Election Officer Jagat Bahadur Poudel, the formal announcement will be made on Monday. The UML has registered its sole candidature for the election as there were no candidates from the parties. Chief Election Officer Poudel said that there was a single candidature for the post of Chief, Deputy Chief and other members of the District Coordination Committee. He said that there was no candidature from any other party and the time for nomination registration was till 1 pm. The Congress has registered 4 candidates including 2 open male members and 2 female members from the Nepali Congress. Out of the seven local levels in Humla, the Nepali Congress had won three chief and three deputy chief posts. Similarly, the UCPN (M) has won three posts of chairman and three posts of deputy chief. One independent has won the post of chairman and one has won the post of deputy chief from the CPN-U. According to Mohan Bikram Singh, district president of the Nepali Congress and newly elected village chairman, the UCPN (Maoist) has been given the key post to maintain the three-party alliance after the Congress Maoists got an equal number of seats. UML has not registered its candidature as it has not got proposers and supporters.

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